*If we must look through and compare a work between Rodin’s monument and another well-known monuments all around the world. We can catch the unique style from Rodin. The more we look through, the more spiritual we will see.
In contrast with Rodin’s style monuments, the sculpturers always keep the correct style – the correct proportion and form - from the past thru now. We can not find any work which unique from each other because they always seem only a similarity. However, if we look back in Rodin’s sculptures or monuments, we will see a lot of different things from his work.
The “Bughers of Calais” and the “Monument to Balzac” are one of Rodin magnificant projects which always insprie the upcoming-age of artists in nowadays. The roughness texture is the first thing when we see these sculptures. It can reflect more emotion than the smoothness texture in a lot of well-known scultures. Because Rodin wanted his audiences to justice his works by this emotion. Sometime it seems to be unfinish yet but this style can be called “sculptures were clouded with controversy”. Furthermore, Rodin also made an accent in some parts of human’s figures. Such as hands, feet, or etc. We can see the human beings with exaggerate in their hands and feet. We can assume that Rodin was one of artists who didn’t follow the traditional style but he can create his significant way which can reflect all of his emotion through sculptures.
Sculptures were clouded with controversy, the roghness in the texture, non-traditional style, and overscale in proportion, these are the significant style of Rodin. His works maybe seem look like unfinished work. However, it still appears his spirit inside all of his sculptures.
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